- School supplies
- Clean, well-fitting clothes for school
- Dog to vet
- Buy new car
- Back to school haircuts
- Catch up on the laundry
- Justus to gymnastics
- Scout to soccer
- Exercise
- Restful sleep
- Tend the garden
- Keep dishes out of the sink
- Hang with high school and jr. high students from SPC
- Keep healthy food in the kitchen
- Manage my children's bickering
- Tend my aching back (aka chiropractor)
- Hospital chaplain
- Quality time with family and friends
- Reading a good book/making music to keep my sanity
15% of my dishes, laundry, garden, exercise, pet care, child rearing, etc. is not super. It is an "F" in school. Though I am aspiring to cast off my over-achiever-ness, 15% is clearly less than what I was aiming for, by not pressuring myself to do all, and be all.
So my plan is to just let it go, by sitting her at the messy kitchen table, and blog. Then I'll hit the dishes and the counter-tops, then the laundry. Then I'll take my kids to the pool next door, and they'll be happy, and I'll be rested. I'll remind myself that life is good. Then I'll drive and pick Silas up from work in our new car.

Get to work!
ReplyDelete(Sweet ride!)
Get to work!
ReplyDelete(Nice ride!)
I love your list. It is beautiful. It is everything I want too. Now please excuse me while I squeeze my children into too small, food stained clothing, and take them to Wendy's because I can't face trying to cook with the pile of dishes staring at me from the sink.