What happens when someone's husband drives his car/VW campmobile to the airport, and parks it in long term parking for 4 days, and leaves the lights on? How long did the lights last in the long term parking at Sacramento Metro Field? I can tell you for sure they did not last 4 days, and now I will tell you what happens to someone who has left the lights on in his car for 4 days with his flight returning at 10pm.
He has to get towed to the Wal-mart in West Sac, and buy a NEW battery, and if that doesn't work, he can just pull out a sleeping bag at 1am, lie the seat into a bed, draw the curtains, and sleep the night away in relative safety courtesy of Wal-mart. Tomorrow he can just get up, fix the van, and walk to IKEA for a cup of coffee and some Sweedish Meatballs for breakfast.
What does a person's wife do in this situation. She stays up late, stitching, reading about lacto-fermentation on the world wide web, and blogging at 12:45am about small distractions. I was thinking of blogging about the difference between anger and lamentation, but that has lost its luster tonight. I'm still thinking about it though. I'll let you know how it turns out, about the stranded husband and about the lament.